Best Marketing Automation Tools to Improve your Business ROI10 min read

different marketing automation tools

As a business owner finding time for everything is a challenge. The only way you can create sufficient time is by optimizing efficiency, organization, and automation. Marketing automation offers numerous tools and solutions that make life much easier.

There are various categories of marketing automation tools that are discussed below to help you determine which tool or a combination of tools will work best for your business. We have broken them down into email automation tools, SEO, social media, CRM and content strategy tools to help automate your marketing needs.

Keep reading for small business marketing

Email Automation Tools

There are numerous software companies catering for email marketing. The best marketing software for you will greatly depend on your contact list size, requirement, security and overall cost. Here are the top five email automation marketing software providers.

Active Campaign

screenshot of dashboard ActiveCampaign email automation software

For five years, ActiveCampaign was treated as an underdog when it came to email marketing. However, ActiveCampaign has been built to be one of the most coveted products in the email marketing platform.

At the moment, ActiveCampaign is ahead of old-time market leaders such as Aweber, MailChimp, and Infusionsoft. Out of all the nine categories examined, ActiveCampaign was ranked 1st.

As per 2018, ActiveCampaign was in use by more than 60,000 organizations. ActiveCampign is used as the main CRM helping it cut across all the automation and marketing ventures.


screenshot of sendinblue dashboard for email marketing software

SendinBlue is primarily known because it offers one of the most efficient transactional-email services. Setting this as its foundation, SendinBlue has built on its reputation to become one of the most trusted automation marketing service providers.

The platform mainly deals with transactional emails such as forgotten passwords or invoice receipts (Click here If you’re looking for a recurring invoice software). When it started, SendinBlue didn’t perform well until they included a renowned developer, API. The deliverability is now between 93 and 96% which is exceptional.

If you are looking for a marketing automation tools to integrate into your marketing campaign software, SendinBlue is another great option.

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hubspot dashboard of email marketing and CRM software

Hubspot was launched in 2006 making it the first-ever email marketing platform to go public. The platform serves more than 48,000 organizations, mostly startups or small companies.

Hubspot has withstood stiff competition as it was able to create an amazing all in one CRM, content management system, email automation and a landing page for small organizations. Despite having all these operations under one roof, Hubspot analysis are quite perfect.

The only noticeable downside with Hubspot is its pricing. In the beginning, it may seem manageable but will soon run out of hand.


Getresponse email automation marketing tool dashboard

Before ActiveCampign, GetResponse was once the backbone of all email marketing activities. Due to poor marketing strategies, GetResponse started slipping behind while the likes of ActiveCampign were gaining popularity.

The main reason was that ActiveCampign was relatively cheap. Despite the slip, GetResponse still serves an astonishing 350,000 users which only implies they must be doing a couple of things right.

Constant Contact

email marketing software from constant contact

Founded in 1995, Constant Contact makes one of the oldest yet the best marketing automation tools on the email marketing platform. They serve the largest number of customers as more than two hundred million emails are sent from their platform each day!

Constant Contact makes our list due to its simple format and ease of use.

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SEO Tools


screenshot of keyword research inside semrush marketing software

If you want to be on the same page as your competitors if not ahead, this is the software to use. This tool enables you to view which keywords have a high search volume, as well as keywords from your competitors. You too can see which words are being to rank your company organically.

By simply entering a URL in SEMRush, you’ll be able to get keywords information you might have never thought even existed. Not only will this tool help you compete better but it will give you ideas about keywords from your competitors and high volume search queries. Another feature in SEMRush is that you can be able to view your backlinks or those of competitors.


screenshot of Ahrefs seo marketing software

Just like SEMRush, Ahrefs are there to help you know why your competitors are ranking best and what you can do to be ahead of them. The information on Ahrefs is up to date as the tool craws over 5-billion web pages helping you keep eyes on competitors while keeping track of your own progress. The tool usually craws keywords, location per-website, update frequency, mobile ranking and many more.

SEO site checkup

seo site checkup dashboard

If you are among those people who tend to think SEO is a complex and advanced that can never be solved, SEO SiteCheckup is the best tool for you. It provides a variety of features such as:

  • SEO monitoring
  • Analyzing SEO related issues
  • Monitoring Competitors
  • Ability to create a reliable SEO report

Simply type your URL in the search box and view the results as they are being displayed on the screen. You will be lucky if your website scores highly which means you are doing this appropriately. This tool will help you know where you rank and the things you need to improve in order to be ahead of competitors.


Spyfu dashboard seo marketing tool

Spyfu is marketing software used to “spy” or gather data from your competitors. A very useful tool to find what your competitors are doing that you are not. Type your URL in the home page and you will be able to observe the following:

  • Top keywords used by competitors
  • Most shared keywords
  • Ranking history
  • Inbound links

Moz Check My-Listing

moz check my listing seo tool

If you are unsure if your targeted audience is unable to find you online, then use Moz Check.  You can check your local search ranking. You will be required to type your business name at the software‘s homepage.

The tool will not only show how effective your marketing approach is but will present you with four tabs: complete, incomplete, duplicates and inconsistent. You will be required to fix the incomplete segment immediately to help you rank among the top in search engines.

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Social Media Tools


hootsuite dashboard showing various social media posts ready to go live

This is a simple to use tool yet powerful enough to let you schedule posts ahead of schedule to help publish them on time on different platforms. This tool provides users with a single dashboard where they are able to reach subscribers across all platforms effortlessly.

It is inexpensive and has a free option which makes it available to all categories of social marketers.


social media marketing tool mention dashboard

If you have subscribed to Mention, you will be able to get notifications every time your brand gets mentioned in any social media conversation. This tool is important as it will enable you to conduct competitors analysis, monitoring enabling you to up your game. Additionally, you will get links to those asking questions hence answer them appropriately. Agora Pulse.

This tool enables you to schedule and plan posts, run analysis, quizzes and promotions effortlessly. It further offers you the ability to compare your performance with relevant competitors. This way, you’ll always be on the lookout hence help manage your marketing strategies well.


buffer social media marketing tool dashboard

If you are dealing with large content or high traffic volume, then this is the ultimate automation tool for you. Unlike other automation tools, this software guides you on the best time to post your posts.

They rank your performance against competitors helping you choose appropriate strategies. The availability of UX means you can share your content easily. The pricing varies depending on the packages which depend on your needs.


sharpspring social media marketing tool dashboard

This tool is quite versatile as it connects all your social accounts enabling you to share a single post all through your accounts. Additionally, you don’t have to log in all your accounts to monitor feedback as you can customize them on the same platform at the same time. You can also scrutinize your performance or compare it with your competitors.


socialflow social media marketing tool dashboard

SocialFlow is more aimed at publishers and large media companies. This tool will help you rank you against competitors and carry out calculations to help determine the best time to publish your posts.

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socedo social media marketing software dashboard

This tool automatically scans social media profiles suggesting your potential customers. Once you have such rich traffic, you can then categorize them accordingly and advertise your brand through Socedo dashboard.

Apart from identifying potential clients, Socedo does also help you identify hot topics, influencers, and trends within your line of marketing. The smooth Saucedo’s interface helps you feed the necessary data and offers you instant results.

Sprout Social

sproutsocial social media marketing software dashboard

This tool entails all automated tools under one roof. If you want to track keywords, monitor competitors, post publications, identify influencers or analyze your marketing progress or stats, this is the tool to go for.

CRM Automated Tools

Sales-Force Essential

salesforce crm software dashboard

This software allows you to keep track of all your customers helping you generate more leads. The data obtained is then used to convert marketing automation, partnerships and leads to profits. The software can be used by several people anywhere and it comes with Android and iOS versions.


freshsales CRM software dashboard

This platform captures and verifies data obtained, distribute and nurture the leads using several communication systems. Basically, Freshsales is a CRM at its core which implies you will get clear visibility throughout your marketing stages. With this information, you will be able to generate a one on one relationship with consumers 24/7 via their emails, phones or live chats.


pipedrive crm software dashboard

Another excellent CRM marketing tool that enables you to organize the leads that give a clear overview regarding your sales helping you focus on important trends and business deals.

Zoho CRM

zoho crm dashboard

This automated software will help you track sales, engage customers through all social media platforms that you have established an account and run automated business task routines. You will be able to trace consumers who are in the buying cycle, deal size and keep track of competitors trends.


monday crm software features

This tool is used by over fifty thousand users worldwide mainly because it helps nurture leads, maintain a healthy relationship with consumers and monitor your sales development. The colorful and easier to use dashboard means your working team will find it easier to use.

Content Strategy Tools.


hubspot dashboard of email marketing and CRM software

There are many marketing tools to try under Hubspot which are absolutely free to try. They include; popup, live-chat(chatbots) plugin and form builder tools. Hubspot keeps track on your companies growth implying it will be able to offer solutions at each stage of your development. Since it is CRM powered, you can still use this tool to control all the activities in your business.


features of yoast seo plugin for creating content

This tool is a WordPress plugin used to generate SEO related content. It aims at optimizing keywords, editing and previewing meta-descriptions, suggesting relevant internal links and URL slugs. Yoast has more than 9 million users as the services provided by this platform are impossible to ignore.


dashboard of buzzsumo content marketing

This is a multipurpose content optimizing and marketing tool that every business person should actually consider incorporating into their marketing campaigns. Its main function is analyzing contents that perform well or competitor‘s websites helping you plan your next move appropriately.


evernote content marketing tool

If you wish you had a better alternative to stay organized, plan your future content or a place to put ideas for easier retrieval and easier access by your entire team to access, then this is the tool for you.

Evernote is compatible with any device where you can post any information in your research. This not only promotes sales but enhances the efficiency through which information is shared.

Bottom line

Incorporating advanced marketing automation tools into your marketing strategy is crucial as it will help you stay ahead of competitors, promote teamwork, general efficiency of your organization while still maintaining a positive relationship with customers due to the increased engagement rates. You will be able to round up potential clients, which boosts a more personalized approach helping you save on advertisement budget and time.

If you would like more help with your marketing campaign then contact us here at Top Explainers to see how we can help you!

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