Obtaining More Traffic from Website Content2 min read

Obtaining more Traffic

Website content can make or break the popularity of a site. Too much, or too little information, especially on the home page, can send the wrong image to prospective customers or clients. Too little, and readers think the site is incomplete or poorly designed and inadequate. Too much, and the readers tend to get lost and confused. Knowing the correct website content and how much of it to add o a site is crucial for attracting and keeping readers coming back.

Website Content should be Relevant


The relevancy of the website content to the overall theme or products on the site is very important. Text, images, and links should all project the main point, service, or product that is featured on that particular page or domain. Not only will this make the most sense and be the easiest for the reader to understand, but it will also optimize the page or site for search engine rankings with little extra effort.

Well written website content is also crucial to hold the interest of readers and attract new ones. The more clicks and views a particular page may have, the higher its keyword rankings may be. Therefore, it only makes sense that the website content be well organized and informative. It will not only attract more readers, but will establish the website’s reputation for good or bad.

Keywords should be used wisely in Website Content

Overuse or under use of keywords in a websites content, text links, image captions, or image tags can be damaging to a website’s performance. Each page should only have one or two main keywords with a few minor ones if needed. Each keyword should only comprise 2-5% of the pages entire content. This would include titles, text, links and tags. Anything more would be classified as ‘keyword stuffing’ which is only looked at negatively by search engines.

The Websites Content should be Unique and Original

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Text and articles appearing on any site, web page or blog should be completely unique. This means it should not be copied and pasted from another site, or created and posted word for word on several different websites. Copying another person’s writing is plagiarism, and not only can the plagiarists be sued, but search engines will frown upon content that is duplicated and not original.

A Websites Content should be Interesting, Drawing the Reader In

Above all, the most important quality the text on a site can posses is the ability to keep the reader interested and coming back. Not only will the reader be more likely to subscribe to or purchase from the site, but they will refer others to the site as well. This means more visitors and ultimately more traffic. In short, well written website content that is relevant to the site’s overall theme and purpose can only increase rankings, visibility, and revenue.

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