Are you thinking of becoming self employed and feel you are ready to start your own business? Great! Motivation is always a good starting point. However, before attempting to get into business start-up needs, small business marketing, advertising and taxes, it is important to self-profile values and goals.
There are basic self-profiling questions to consider that can help approach self-employment realistically before making any drastic or gut-feel decisions. These questions should be answered honestly. It is important to keep in mind that it is your career, your life, and to some, family may depend on it.
1. In Wanting to Become a Small Business Owner, Who Am I?
Think of your age and your gender. Although to some people, age and gender will not matter, to you, they might. Think of your work arrangements, whether temporary or permanent. There may be others situations, consider the following:
- Freelancer
- Owner of a home-based business
- Artist pursuing passionately an interest – as a painter, writer, singer, etc.
- New mother or father
- Unemployed or homemaker ready to work again
- Changing professions or career
2. To Be My Own Boss, What Are My Goals in Life?
Your goals or objectives will determine the kind of flexibility you will need. Think of your family Interests. Are you overwhelmed by the task of caring for your newborn or your children? Are you finishing a novel of studying? Are you planning to start a home-based business? Is it a small business franchise?
Areas to be considered are:
- Family interests
- Personal interests
- Career and/or business interests
Related to the three areas above, ask yourself:
- Can I work irregular, long hours and weekends, if necessary?
- Do I have enough capital to support myself (and family) and business through the business start-up?
3. As Small Business Owner and Manager, What are my Skills, Experiences and Interests?
Define and identify your professional offerings
Are you passionate about the business you want to start? Identify and fine-tune what you can offer. For example, if you’ll be writing a lot, telecommuting or working from home would help you do more work, free from interruptions. But keep in mind there are trade-offs that need to be considered.
Identify your skills offerings as business owner
Depending on your skills, experience, talent and interest, some lucrative jobs are found in health care, help desk, compliance, network administration, advertising, Internet/web, legal, technical support, accounting, consulting, project management, business analysis, financial services, loan and mortgage jobs.
Develop and polish your personality
This is all about your discipline and confidence, flexibility, motivation, responsiveness, adaptability, and any other related traits to enhance your business acumen.
Professional and personal skills are primary sources of a career security. By doing a self-profile, you can comfortably progress and move on to the next step, that of preparing a business plan, ready to plunge into a business start-up.