If you’re still not using its power for your marketing – you’re losing a lot of money!
– “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee is the most-watched video on YouTube. It has received over 5.96 billion views in a little over two years;
– 6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV;
– On mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49 year-olds than any broadcast or CABLE TV network;
– YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and second most visited site after Google;
– 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute;
– We watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos a day, more than Netflix and Facebook video combined;
– 70% of YouTube views come from mobile devices;
– The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes;
– 81% of US parents use YouTube to find content for their children;
– Over half of YouTube users use the site to work out how to do things they’ve not done before;
– Viewers who complete TrueView ads—watched to completion or at least 30 seconds—were 23 times more likely to visit or subscribe to a brand channel, watch more by that brand, or share the brand video.