You might understand why explainer video is needed for your business. However, simply creating an explainer video doesn’t make it successful. When you create an explainer video you might expect an ROI and set your expectation too high.
You’ll have to ensure that your explainer video is interesting and quite engaging so that it automatically takes the attention of your audience. Understanding what it takes to creating an explainer video, the cost break down of Also, you want your audience to watch your video from the beginning to the and and work on the call to action (CTA) when your video ends.
Well, there’s something missing here and that is, just how long should your explainer video be?
When you create an explainer video, you’ll need a video that is long enough so as to have the most vital information about your product, service, as well as your brand.
However, ensure that it is also short enough so that your audiences don’t get bored and walk away before they get to see your call to action (CTA).
Different factors that requires you to determine when creating your video
These following factors relies on your duration of the video. Depending on the type of product video you want to create, it will determine how long your video should be. Timing your video also factors in the cost of creating an explainer video, some explainer video softwares have restriction on duration of your video. Before you start writing your explainer video script, you’ll want to decide how long your video should be so that you can maximize your conversion and viewing.
In this article, we’re going to include different theories and research so that we dig deeper into this question: How long should your explainer video be?
The first 3 second of your explainer video requires…
Why 3 seconds? If you viewed any YouTube videos recently, ads are a factor and an obstacle for many. Many can skip ads after 3 seconds of being played. If you want to use your explainer video with paid media or simply want to attention from this generation, you need to spice it up the first 3 seconds. People are used to 3 second skipped ads, a great video script copywriter needs to be able to write something that stands out from the crowd.
What will you need to have them hang around the next few seconds to watch the rest of your explainer video? You obviously can’t create a 3 seconds video, but it should be enough to make your audience curious about your video.
One of the best methods that you can use to grab the attention of your viewers is to ask a question at the beginning of your explainer video. This video starts with a curious and direct question that will make them be desperate to find out the answer. This would make serious customers hang around your explainer video for more information. The first impression is always right. Use the first five seconds to hook your audience to watch your explainer video since could be the first impression of your brand.
You don’t have to worry about the length of your video
How long should your explainer video be? The easiest answer is to keep it short. A study was done by Think with Google and would involve 3 YouTube ads of the same product. The ads were 15 seconds to 2 minutes long and the results were contrary to the expectations of many online marketers.
The result showed fewer people watched the 15 minutes video than the 2 minutes video. The 30 seconds video had the most viewers. This theory has it that when you have a long explainer video, a lot of viewers are likely to invest in your story and would connect powerfully with your brand. The longer your explainer video is the stronger it becomes.
Shorter videos are better
It is obvious that the span of human attention keeps on reducing. How long should your explainer video be? You don’t have to make your video long for it to hit the jackpot. You don’t have to provide all information, think teaser trailer. Make it short, smart, and direct to the point so that when a viewer clicks on it, so they would hang around to watch the rest of your video.
On average, videos of 90 seconds or less have a 53% retention rate, whereas videos that are over 30 minutes long retain only 10%. After one minute, only 5% of viewers stop watching videos, but 60% will stop watching after two minutes. (VideoGuru). Explainer videos less than 15 seconds long are shared 37% more often. (IdeaMachineStudio)
You don’t have to make your explainer video be long because you can provide longer product demos, help documentation, hour webinar funnels to lead them to find more information about your business.
In conclusion
Keep your explainer video short — such as a 30, 60, 90 seconds video, you’ll have a higher chance of leading them to a CTA for different funnels. Whether the video CTA is “see how this works” or “sign up for a free trial”, “Free 15 minute consultation”, you’ll be able to elaborate and persuade them. It all depends on the purpose of your video, the audience you want to reach, the goal and budget of your explainer video.
If you want Top Explainer to handle all the scriptwriting, voiceover, revisions for your explainer video, feel free to contact us, we’ll be glad to help!