What Exactly Is a Video Sales Letter?5 min read

What is the best way to capture customer’s attention? If you are contemplating marketing your products online, the above question may have crisscrossed your mind several times. The good news is that there exist several reliable ways you can market your products and services.

Today, we shall talk more on how you can leverage Video Sales Letter (VSL) to grab customer’s attention and draw them into the sale. If interested in learning more about how you can take advantage of the other marketing tools to attract more customers, make sure to stay tuned for more information.

What is a video sales letter?

What Exactly Is a Video Sales Letter? 4

In short, a VSL is a sales page with a video on selling your product. It replaces a written sales copy with a persuasive video. This video aims to persuade prospects to purchase a particular product or service. The sales page may have text summarizing what viewers will see in the video and button that prompts them to click to make a purchase.

A good VSL is appealing to watch (has visuals that that trigger prospects to start and keep watching) and compelling enough so that customers can watch to the very end. If your VSLs are appealing and persuasive enough, even when you create lengthy ones, they will still watch to the end.

Video sales letters vs. written sales letter

What Exactly Is a Video Sales Letter? 5

While both, video sales letter and written video sales letters are excellent tools in marketing, VSLs are more powerful. They do the heavy lifting in a better way than WSLs. So, if you are keen to drive more traffic, consider using VSLs. You can learn more here on how to make more completing VSLs.

The benefits of VSLs

customer acquisition strategy

They are engaging

Video is king today. If you can leverage the power of video to tell stories with complete and luring visuals, you can be sure to up your marketing game. Just make sure your VSLs are compelling from the start to the end.

They are visual

When is the last time you read a big chunk of text? When is the last time you watch a lengthy TV show? It is possible you watch lengthy TV shows daily and never had time to read. Generally, reading can be annoying. You don’t want to scare your prospects by trying to capture their attention using lengthy text.

While you can still add a few texts, the right visuals will go a long way into capturing the attention of your target customers. And since humans are mainly visual creatures, it becomes easier to capture the attention of your prospects with visuals.

They allow you to convey emotions

Another great benefit of VSLs is that they allow you to convey emotions. With a well-tailored VSL, it much easier to convey different emotions in the most appropriate way than when using written sales copies. Keep in mind that most people make purchase decisions with their emotions. If you can connect with them emotionally, it becomes easier to convert them to royal and paying customers.

They allow you to build hype

By using VSLs, it becomes easier to keep your prospects excited as your video presentations continue. The use of appropriate images, voice, and emotions during a video presentation allows you to keep your target audience watching and ready to take action at the end.

How to drive traffic to your VSL

What Exactly Is a Video Sales Letter? 6

Here are techniques you will find very helpful:


Marketers use blog posts to establish themselves as experts and build trust as well. You can write quality blogs and add various links to drive traffic to your VSLs.


You can also drive traffic to your VSLs by leveraging sales funnel. Often most VSL sales come from customers going down funnels. Now with a funnel, clients can be pre-sold so that by the time they reach the VSL, they are ready to watch.

Often times these funnels are based around email marketing campaigns. Once the customer’s information is captured, you can send them follow-up emails with links to the VSL.

This warms the customer up and increases the likelihood of the sale.

Tips for your video sales letter

video marketing customer acquisition

Relate to the customer

Are you relating to your customers through VSL? If not, your VSL will not work. The best way to relate to your prospects is to show them you were in the same situation, and that is why you have a solution. That way, it is easier to build trust and trigger them to make purchases.

Introduce a problem

Next, introduce a problem. It is best if you tell a story that related to the problem you have just introduced. Doing this will show your prospects that you actually know what you are saying. In other words, you have been in their shoes. Once you do that, move forward to give a solution.

Solve the problem

Now it is time to solve the problem you stated above. Make sure to show what the solution is and how it works for you. It will be an uphill task to convince your prospects that you have a reliable solution if the solution did not work for you.

Remember not to give too much information about your solution as your prospects may not have a reason to make a purchase. Just provide information that only gives an idea of what the solution is and that it worked for you.

Create scarcity

You want your target customers to make purchases immediately? Then consider creating a scarcity. How? For example, say the offer is available for a limited time, or say a certain number of products are available at a discounted price. Simply make sure you have triggered your customers to make the decision immediately.

Create a call to action

What action do you want them to take at the end of your VSLs? Guide them with a call to action? For example, click here to purchase. Just make sure they know the step to take to get the solution they waited for the entire video for.


There is no doubt video is king today and there is no sign of slowing down soon. You can leverage the numerous benefits it offers to take your marketing game to another level. 

If you can create compelling VSLs, (you have no option but to create professionally tailored VSLs), rest assured you will have an easy time marketing your products and services.

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