7 Tips on How to Create an Instagram Advertising Campaign4 min read

Instagram is the second-largest social media network. It allows businesses to promote content for free. Since small businesses are always on budget constraints, Instagram is the best platform to promote their goods and services.

Over the years, Instagram’s algorithms have changed a lot. Those promoting content on Instagram must ensure their customers interact with their posts more often. The struggle for small businesses is to make their customers interact with their organic posts more often. 

Instagram does not support the use of links. If you have over 10,000 followers, you can use links in your bio on Instagram Stories, shoppable posts, IGTV, and Instagram ads. 

Having learned about that, this guide is going to teach you how to create an Instagram advertising campaign. We mainly focus on video ads and other kinds of visuals.

Choose your Instagram advertising objective

7 Tips on How to Create an Instagram Advertising Campaign 3

You can create ads on Instagram itself or use the Facebook Ad Manager to make ads for Instagram. You must include the following in your campaign objective.

  • App installs – refer users to the site where they can download your app
  • Catalog sales – showcase your products
  • Brand awareness – give knowledge about your brand, service, and products
  • Engagement – encourage people to comment, repost and engage with your content
  • Messages – encourage people to interact with your brand
  • Lead generation – collect information about people who use your brand
  • Reach – ensure your ad reaches many users
  • Store traffic – drive people to visit your store
  • Traffic – give links to sites where users will find your ads

Select your audience

digital marketing - video marketing

Identify the best target audience. Use ads that encourage your target demographic to visit your site and buy. Facebook and Instagram allow you to evaluate many details before deciding your target audience. Analyze your most engaged followers to help you determine who you must be targeting and who not to target. 

You can choose your target audience by adding age, gender, location, following certain groups on Facebook, or refer them to your app, videos, website, and other useful content. It all depends on whether you want to narrow or broaden your audience.

Instagram advertising options

successful video marketing

Instagram gives you more advertising options since it was integrated with Facebook. You get to enjoy advertising options like:

  • Instagram Carousel Ads

It is very similar to Facebook Ads. It allows you up to 10 or more photos and videos to swipe through. 

  • Collection Ads

This new ad format on Instagram allows you to include a variety of photos and videos of your products. You can use the call-to-action button and place a clickable link within the ad. 

  • Instagram Photo Ads

Create a photo with a single image like paid partnerships and sponsored posts. 

  • Instagram Story Ads

Instagram Stories usually appear at the top of your Instagram feed. You see stories from accounts you don’t even follow. They disappear within 24-hours. View Instagram Story Ad example here.

  • Instagram Video Ads

You can make content videos lasting up to 60 seconds. 

Making Your Instagram Video Ad

7 Tips on How to Create an Instagram Advertising Campaign 4

You must create a compelling video ad for your campaign. Ensure that the content is viewable and drive people to click on the ad. Instagram allows you to type up to 2200 characters, but you can avoid that to make viewers click on your ad. Learn how to plan your content strategy framework to avoid being too brief.

Refer to Instagram Ad sizes to get the right size of the ad for better visuals. Use call-to-action on your video to encourage videos to interact with your ad.

You can choose the following on Instagram app call-to-action:

  • Watch more
  • Learn more
  • Book now
  • Shop now
  • Sign up
  • Contact us

Use hashtags on your brand. Include your brand on the logo design to reduce the confusion of your target customers.

Facebook and Instagram’s Ad Placement Options

animated hand using smartphone wanting to play a video

You get to choose where your ad appears after you have created it. Facebook Ad Manager gives you the following options:

You get to choose to place your ads on all the above channels on selected channels you pick.

Choose your budget

explainer video - generate tons of cash

An Instagram Ad costs $0.7 – $0.8 per click. The amount, however, varies depending on ad format, ad placement, target demographic, season, day of advertising, among others. You can regulate the budget to spend per day or for a specific duration. See the estimated reach of your video in real-time on Facebook Ad Manager. Consider other factors when planning your budget.

Create your Instagram Ad

whiteboard video - how to make an effective video

You need to schedule your ad after choosing a suitable budget. Choose the duration for your ad, the call-to-action, and the link that people will click on your ad. You can run a test ad first to see its effectiveness and changes to be made if need be. Click to activate your Instagram advertising campaign and share your videos across your chosen channels. 

Final thoughts on Instagram Ad campaigns

Using Instagram advertising campaigns has been simplified and made economical in recent years. You must identify your target audience and ensure you reach them in time. We have discussed video ads, your call-to-action to make a straightforward, precise point and action-oriented campaign. 

With the tips given here, you can start making Instagram advertising campaigns and generate desirable leads and sales.

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